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Buzzing with Inspiration... My Google Workspace Developer Summit Recap

Buzzing with Inspiration... My Google Workspace Developer Summit Recap

Wow, what an incredible day we had yesterday at the Google Workspace Developer Summit in Boston! My head is buzzing with new ideas and I'm more excited than ever about the future of collaboration and how the cloud plays a crucial role by facilitating easy access to APIs for its services like Vertex AI from an Apps Script, enabling us to accomplish remarkable feats.

It wasn't just about the amazing content, although the sessions were top-notch. We dove deep into the latest advancements in Workspace APIs, explored the potential of bots in Google Chat, and even got a sneak peek at the exciting world of Apps Script bot services.

Beyond the talks, the summit provided a unique opportunity to connect with the brilliant minds behind Google Workspace. Chatting with the Google folks, especially during the coffee breaks, offered invaluable insights into their vision for the future and how part-time developers like me can be a part of it.

One of the highlights was reconnecting with my team members face-to-face. The energy was electric as we bounced ideas off each other, inspired by what we learned and eager to put it all into practice. The summit served as a powerful reminder of the incredible talent and passion within our team.

A game-changer that stole the show for me was the demonstration of AppSheet being supercharged with Gemini! The prospect of this powerful AI simplifying custom app development is incredibly exciting. Imagine building robust and intelligent applications with the ease of natural language – that's the future AppSheet promises, and I can't wait to be a part of it.

The Google Workspace Developer Summit was more than just a conference; it was a celebration of innovation and collaboration. It left me feeling energized, inspired, and more connected to this incredible community of developers. I'm already looking forward to the next one!