New Chat Usage Analytics Updates for Admins and Developers
What’s changing
Please refer to the table below to learn about the metrics available to you:
Category | Variations |
# of messages sent by users of the organization | Total number of messages |
Messages sent by conversation type (direct message, group chat, space) | |
Messages sent by type (regular, voice, video, huddle) | |
Messages sent with or without attachment | |
Messages sent to conversations that contain or do not contain external users. | |
# of spaces owned by organization | Number of active spaces |
Number of spaces created | |
# of active users in your organization by level of activity | Number of engaged users (read at least one conversation or sent messages or reactions) |
Number of communicator users (sent at least one message or reaction) | |
# of actions by specific users* | Number of messages and reactions sent Number of attachments uploaded Number of spaces created Number of conversations read |
Additional details
The fields are:
- Internally owned: conversation is owned by the admin’s organization
- Externally owned: conversation is owned by an external entity
- User-to-user direct message
- User-to-app direct message
- Group chat
- Space
- Regular message
- Voice message
- Video message
- Huddle
- Has attachment
- No attachment
Getting started
- Admins: Visit the Help Center to learn more about understanding Chat usage with analytics, viewing Apps reports for your organization and using the security investigation tool.
- Developers: Check out our developer documentation for more information on Chat Audit Activity Events. and CustomerUsageReports.get and UserUsageReport.get.
Rollout pace
- Available now.
- New Chat usage metrics in Report API are available for all Google Workspace customers.
- The security investigation tool is available for Google Workspace
- Enterprise Standard and Plus
- Education Standard and Plus
- Enterprise Essentials Plus
- Frontline Standard
- And Cloud Identity Premium customers
Developer Documentation: Google Chat Parameters: CustomerUsageReports.get
Developer Documentation: Google Chat PArameters: UserUsageReport.get
Developer Documentation: Admin SDK API developer platform release notes
Google Workspace Admin Help: Understand Chat usage with analytics
Google Workspace Admin Help: View Apps reports for your organization
Google Workspace Admin Help: About the security investigation tool
Workspace Updates Blog: New Google Chat usage reports provide deeper insights into user engagement